
Registration Fee

Registration Type Early Bird
Before July 15, 2018
 July 15-Sept. 15,  2018
After Sept. 15, 2018
US$ 550 US$ 650 US$ 750
US$ 400 US$ 500 US$ 600
(Local Participant**)
NTD$ 12,000 NTD$ 13,500 NTD$ 15,000
(Local Participant**)
NTD$ 8,000 NTD$ 9,500 NTD$ 11,000

* Full-time student at the time of the presentation. When doing online registration, we will need a PDF copy of the letter from the department chair certifying the full-time student status at the time of the conference (October 15th-18th 2018).
**Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST) will sponsor Taiwan University participant the difference for their registration fees.
# The registration fee is charged in NTD based on the currency at the transaction date.
## Only one presentation per registration is allowed.
### Please note that final acceptance of contributions is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author before 15th September 2018.

Registration Fee Entitlement

Conference attending, Reception, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, Banquet, Technical Tour*
Conference attending, Reception, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, Technical Tour*

*Technical Tour is free for all the registered participants. We will visit National Center for Traditional Arts and Lanyang Museum that would provide a different cultural experience of Taiwan.

Refund Policy

If a non-presenting registrant who cannot attend or send a substitute makes the refund request by September 15, 2018, the fee will be refunded with a cancellation cost of USD 100. We cannot make any refunds after September 15, 2018. There will be no refund to the presenting registrants. All refund will be processed after the conference has concluded.